Saturday, November 29, 2008

I Can't Believe It's Almost December!

I'm here in Aurora,
with my daughter Melissa and her family, so life is sweet and millennial in my life. In retrospect, I certainly have been travelling, in and out, on the other side of the paradigm shift, and I certainly have had fun imagining in virtual reality quite a few interesting possibilities. Still, it's about time to pack for my return to Nicaragua in the middle of January, so I better get crackin'. I still have a 64th birthday to celebrate with my Current Lover, Christmas in 12 different places in Colorado, New Year's resolutions, 2 Grandson Birthdays: Ay, Ay, Ay! When will I have time to pack with all this birthing to party over? It always feels to me that this turn to January is a good time for forgiving the old ways and embracing new beginnings, but this year I've nothing I need to forgive: I've been celebrating newness in my life for a year! Season's Greetings to all, from this old codger, the artful dodger!
Gracias, CenterDoug

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